Author: dee

Posted in Health Vaccines

On Vaccines…

There was an excellent article, written by Henry Makow, posted yesterday on his website: “Vaccines – The Oldest Scam.” Here’s an excerpt: Not only do drugmakers make huge profits  from…

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Posted in Sprituality

Raising Vibrations

Yesterday, 11/11, at 11:00 am, I participated in a global silent meditation. It was streamed on YouTube and hosted by Jason Shurka and Lorie Ladd. It was also live on…

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Posted in WiFi Radiation and 5G

WiFi Overload is Real

By now, anyone with a functioning brain, is aware that there is no deadly, contagious virus floating in the air. Once you wake up to that reality, you logically look…

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Posted in Election 2020

(S)election 2020 – Showtime!

So, the media says you have a new president. Are you happy? Do you feel vindicated? Are you confident that a demented man with no platform (other than “Not Trump”),…

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Posted in Big Pharma Vaccines

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies

There was an excellent article posted on yesterday.  Written by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, it’s an enlightening read on Anthony Fauci.  The title is “Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of…

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Posted in Humor and Wisdom

Intelligence is Spreading…We Hope!

Another great video from Awaken with JP.  He always brings truth and light to this insane world.

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Posted in Resist

There’s a Tide Rising

I was standing outside of the store today, waiting for a ride. There was a woman standing about four feet away talking on her phone. When she finished her call,…

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Posted in Resist

All That is Necessary…

“This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat of conventional war, and…

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Posted in Sprituality

Perception: Good vs. Evil

Some say we are in the midst of a spiritual war — good vs. evil. If it’s really a war, who/what are we fighting? Are there evil entities that can…

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Posted in False Narrative

53 Admitted False Flag Attacks

In honor of the anniversary of 9/11, here’s a list of 53 admitted false flag attacks compiled by Global Research – Center for Research on Globalization. Here are 2 of…

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