Question Everything

I haven’t touched this site in two years.  I guess I gave up on trying to reach people.  If folks want to believe lies and illusions, who am I to interfere, right? Hahaha.

Well, here we are in the summer of 2024 and it still feels like I’m living in the twilight zone.  Everything is fake and disturbing. Fake wars, fake viruses, fake injections, fake shootings, fake politicians, fake news.  The government and media continue their psychological war on the masses.

I had a brief conversation with my neighbor a couple of weeks ago.  He started talking politics and I told him I don’t do politics.  He responded, “Everything is politics.” Ok.  Then, he did a thumbs-up and said, “Kamala.” I smiled and said, “Uh, no.”  He shot back, “Oh, you’re a trumper?”  What?!  Because I don’t identify with a nonsensical, empty-headed liar of a woman, I’m a trumper?  And what does that mean exactly?  How does one characterize a trumper?  Any particular traits?  Racist? Mean tweeter? I have no idea. It’s another abstract, meaningless term only meant to dehumanize someone.  Like “ant-vaxxer” and “climate change denier”.

Anyway, I explained to my neighbor that I stopped voting years ago.  It doesn’t matter who is (s)elected, the agenda keeps moving forward.  Why can’t folks see that the red vs. blue thing is nothing but an illusion?  He then said, “Not voting is irresponsible.”  I smiled and said, “Ok.” I told him that after the last four years of insanity, people should see that it’s all lies and corruption. He got uncomfortable and said, “Gotta run.”  And off he went.   I guess he didn’t know how to relate without slapping a label on me and dismissing my point of view.  Typical mind-controlled human.

Maybe he thought about it after. Maybe not.  But, we have to plant seeds wherever we have the opportunity, right?  We have to encourage people to question their own beliefs and challenge the ridiculous things they’re told. 

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
-William J. Casey, CIA Director

I read a few substacks online and a lot of people are questioning to the point of being angry, but no one seems to have a solution.  The only solution I can offer is to disconnect from the deluge. That’s the first step. Turn off the TV, get off of toxic (anti)social media. After about a week, your brain will start to function properly and you can look at things with more discernment. You’ll see through the bullshit that’s only meant to keep you angry, scared, and feeling powerless.  We are not powerless. We don’t have to accept or participate in nonsense.  We have a choice.  You always have a choice.

If you didn’t have a choice, they would not spend billions and trillions of dollars to convince you that you don’t.  If we can just get the majority of us to understand that, we’ll be on the path to turning things around.

Question everything.

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